STD - 11 Unit Test Paper October Months - 2020
The Physical Aspects of the crop book are of a general standard. in a Good spect this cup of the cover of the textbook is suitable for dta, size , distance betwen two rows, print,price and total number of pages. when the cover of a weak side character book. khampani and black are not strong and durable. as well as the printiing isnot beautiful, the content in pathaipur is of excellent quality. in the good aspects , the work in the presentation is relatively appropriate in terms of choice of subject matter,language accuracy, accuracy of details and timeliness according to the nature of the students. the content provides students with a variety of cognitive expriencess as well as basic knowledge for higher endeavors. while the weak side does not insure the various forms of literature in the proper place in the content, it does not provide adequate explanation of the idiosyncratic and grammar. as well as the sophisticatin and innovation of the content. what is the intorduction of the content in the textbook? the presentation of the content of Nara mercury is simple, slow, psychologically relevant to the students.
what is th comic, consistent and pre-knwledge as well as the connection of the main subjects with nathe. while in all aspects the presentation of the content does not maintain a proper essay with real life as well as the level of poetic presence. the drawing of pictures in the book is of ordinary nature, in which the picture in a good aspect correspond to the subject matter. helps students to understand th subject matter, introduce the cntral idea of the subject matter and devvelops the imagination and creativity of the students. the pictures in the apect are not colorful , not enough and not interesting enough to attract the attention of the studnts. exercise is excellent in the textbook. n which the good aspect of ownership useful for consolidating mental content , fairy method wise. corresponds to the age group of the students and the intllect of the students is to cultivate the same reasoning.
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