House rent Pay to State Employees as per 7th pay commission on Central Basis.
More than Five Lakh Employees of the state have been deprived of Housing benefits for the last four years. Inflation is rising day by day today. and as inflation continues to rise,people are having a hard time getting home.even after four years of the state government acceptance of the seventh pay commission at the center level, there is a sharp decline in the number of employees who do not pay rent at the center level . the central governmnet has implmented the eventh pay commision for its employees from 01-01-16 later gujara govrnment
The seenth Pay Commission was Accepted by At that time due to strong opposition to rent, the central government formed a committee and soon after, according to the new pay commission, the central governmnet ordered topay 8 % in rural areas , 16 % in urban ares and 24 % in big citiesBUt ore than five lakh state employees have been deprived of housing benefits for the last four years.
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Inflating is paid by the government with retrospective effecr, the arreases of which are also paid to the employees but there is no provision for back effect or arreaes in rent,as a result the employees are losing rs.2000 to rs.5000 per Month. Government employees have to do extra work in addition to their work. when they deprived of reapable economic benefits isn't the expectd demand of the employees to be paid by the state government to its employees on a central basis excessive ?
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