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January - 2021 Ekam Kasoti Declare

 January - 2021 Ekam Kasoti Declare


There is now a need to look at the source of energy that can be saved and on the other hand the source that is available should be used with less and proper management and to demonstrate the contribution and importance of alternative sources that are possible.

It is expected that students will study and understand various aspects of power generation , distribution and mamagement as well as its value effectiveness, its impact on the environment and society etc. students look at different methods / applications for production / distribution . management of different source of energy to meet future challenges.

Topic that can be put on display in this regard are

1. Eletricity , water, avik, sun, efficient models showing the structures of power units such as geothermal, wind and windmill power generating unit such as geothermal, wind and windmill, power generating unit - which can also sugget more efficient / more productive and les costly innovative improved shcemes

2. scheme of power saving devices or equipment from  non - reproducible source 

3. to preent or use wasted energy as well as pollution maps of efficient models or scheme of low fuel and low fuel engines / engines chulastiv or bhaki plan to generate power from energy sources such as wind , sun, water, geothermal , ocean and biomass or efficient model

4. power transmission and distribution as well as maps showing th use of new items (such as optical fiber, superconducting materials) Required for its advantages and disadvantages

5. Extraction of lock fuels such as coal , petroleum, natural gas, etc it storage except for further losses.

efficient models sowing the order of placement and its hierarchy and this facility etc.

1. Efficient modls of recording and reproduced country audio equipment , cartoons and televisions for entertainment and relaxation.

January 2021 Ekam Kasoti Declare


Efficient model of printing technology showng the use of kastutar in movies graphics and communication media in overcoming life's challenges.

Tag : PaRipatra
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